Meet Our Team

At Markel market research, we have a team of talented professionals who are passionate about research industry. Our team members come from diverse backgrounds and bring a wealth of experience to our company.

Kelvin Tjiaputra

Founder & Qualitative Researcher

Having been working in various multinational companies, he has a strong exposure to global and regional projects. He is an experienced qualitative researcher mastering various qualitative techniques; from Focus Group Discussions, Home Visit, In-Depth Interview, Observation, Mystery Shopping, to Expert Interviews

He is experienced on conducting research related to product and concept test, brand image, and mystery shoppers. He is experience handling various projects such as FMCG, Automotive, health care, etc.

Pushka Pratama

Quantitative Researcher

Rahayu is an experienced field leader and coordinator with 15 years of experience under her belt. She is well known for her capability to organize multiple studies within a short period of time. She also has experience handling both quantitative and qualitative studies

Miss Rahayu

Field & Panel Coordinator

Team across Indonesia

We have local team for each urban, sub urban, and rural cities across Indonesia. whom are very committed with each projects.